Monday, December 28, 2009

Pretest series for pro exam

this is my collection of Pretest question book for download. it contain USMLE style question including OBA and EMQ. the structure of question is similar to our pro exam question. i hope these can help u for pro exam.

go to the link to download

Biochemistry and genetics







Clinical vignettes(combination of all posting)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How i overcome my smoking addiction

Hari ini saya akan menceritakan guideline untuk berhenti merokok. Semua faham yang merokok boleh membawa pelbagai-bagai penyakit seperti COPD, TB, cancer peparu dan lain2 lagi. ia juga boleh mendorong ke kancah penyalahgunaan dadah. Walaupun rokok makin mahal tetapi ramai dikalangan perokok tetap merokok. Tabiat merokok merupakan tabiat yg susah untuk dihapuskan tetapi boleh dihapuskan atau dikurangkan. Saya harap ape yg disampaikan dapat la beritahu kepada diri sendiri, abang, teman hidup atau parent yg masih merokok.

Bagaimana saya mula merokok?

Pada suatu hari semasa form 5 di sekolah menengah kebangsaan skudai, masa da nak balik rumah so tunggu kat bas stop untuk naik bas tambang, kerana stress belajar, stress aktiviti kokurikulum, dan melihat awek diminati dingorat oleh orang lain:
"salam, dik mintak rokok sebatang, aku nak try merokok"
"eh betul ke ni, ambik la satu"
aku pun hisap........ tapi tak la bes sangat
setelah peristiwa tu aku ade hisap beberapa kali baru la dapat 'FEEL'

Bagaimana kantoi dengan mak ayah?

"Eyan!Eyan" mak aku panggil
"Ye mok, ado gapo?"
"Baju Eyan Mok basuh lam mesin basoh, tengoh2 basuh tu Mok nampok ado bendo terapung lam mesin basuh, nampok mace kotak rokok"
"Yo ko?, ore lain punyo tu, tah lagumano bleh masuk lam seluar Eyan"
Tapi selepas tu memang la kantoi, satu famili tau.

Bagaimana berhenti merokok?
Process ini mengambil masa yang lama. saya sendiri mengambil masa lebih kurang 4 tahun.

Rule 1 - keazaman dan matlamat
Saya telah setkan untuk berhenti merokok walaupun tiap2 hari merokok. Walaupun termerokok, saya tetap tak putus asa kerana saya percaya saya akan berhenti suatu hari nanti. Saya azam untuk berhenti merokok. I keep saying to myself that "I will stop smoking". ulang dalam hati setiap kali merokok.

Rule 2 - kurangkan sedikit demi sedikit
Hari ni saya hisap 5 batang. minggu depan saya hisap 4 batang sehari. Kurangkan sedikit demi sedikit supaya rasa gian tu dapat dikawal. kadang2 bile mengurangkan hisap rokok secara drastik akan menyebabkan 'binge' iaitu hisap rokok secara banyak pada suatu masa. So elakkan perkara ini kerana ia boleh reset balik quantiti yang anda hisap kepada quantiti asal.

Rule 3 - gantikan dengan benda lain
ini saya namakan 'distraction'. alihkan tumpuan dan fikiran anda kepada benda lain. Saya akan beli coklat atau gula2 untuk mengawal gian. walaupun coklat mahal tapi ia lagi murah berbanding sekotak rokok. setiap kali ada rasa gian ambil tindakan ini. main computer game pun boleh. anda perlu cari perkara yang dapat alihkan tumpuan anda.

Rule 4 - takutkan diri anda
takutkan diri anda dengan penyakit2 dan masalah2 yang disebabkan oleh merokok. bagi lelaki, selalu ingat yang sperma anda semakin kurang apabila merokok. girlfriend boleh la takutkan boyfriend anda dengan perkara ini. qualiti sperma dan telur akan rosak apabila merokok.

Rule 5 - dorongan yg tiada berhenti
bagi la dorongan kepada orang yg disayangi untuk berhenti merokok. walaupun yang degil, nasihat la dari semasa ke semasa dan jangan putus asa. percaya la mereka akan berhenti suatu hari nanti. psycho diorang, ugut diorang. "ko tak ikut cakap aku, ko tak sayang aku ke?". "kalau baby tak cube berhenti merokok, kite clash lah". contohnye. gunakan kekreatifan anda.

Rule 6 - doa setiap hari
kalau kite yakin dan doa setiap hari, Allah will help u in a magic way. Tiada daya dan upaya hanyalah daya dan upaya Allah SWT. Allah lah yg mencampakkan rasa untuk berhenti dan ia akan datang.

Rule 7 - respect other people
my favourite rule. hormatilah orang lain yang tidak merokok atau tidak suke anda merokok. janganlah hisap rokok di sekitar mereka especially budak kecil. fahamilah mereka kenapa mereka tidak suka rokok. dengan tidak merokok, anda telah buktikan kasih sayang anda.

*bagi yang ade pengaruh kawan, cube control merokok, walaupun tetap merokok tapi kurang kan lah sampai kurangkan sampai sehari 1-2 batang tu pun da ok.

Selamat berjaya

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


everyday we should change ourself
from evil to good
from good to better
today more better than tomorrow
tomorrow more better than today
it is a sin for not changing yourself
change is not a choice
it is a must
everything we do is for the afterlife
and there are only 2 choices
heaven......or hell........
what ever we do
where ever we go
only one choice we have
to the gates of heaven

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My life going to end

My life goind to end
in 3 months time
my student life.....

thinking about the time i have
i am sad
only 3 months
what can i do in this 3 months
what can i do to change what i am now
what other thing than study that i must fulfil myself
that this 3 months will change myself
to something better
something rewarding....
something that everlasting
that i will remember for my entire life

what about the past 4 years and 9 months
have i use it wisely?
have i use it to benefit myself
have i use it to benefit others
have i use it to obtain the knowledge i need to work
have i use it to be close to Allah

i realized i wasted my life
i have not enough usrah
not spend enough time in mosque
not spend time hearing lectures of ustaz
not enough charity work

my student life going to end....
once in a life time
never come back

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Exams 2

know your enemies. study them. be like them. in other words, we must learn about question that will come to us. what is the structure of the question. what scanerio that usually they give(especially for OBA and EMI where cases were given). must know also what are choices of answer. question in the world will always repeat itself but they cannot run from the concept. they just twist a little bit there and here but at the end it will be the same. apart from that, we must know the allocation of time for each paper. if u knew the time was limited, then better hurry up answering it. dont waste your time on question that u cant hardly answer. answer other question that will give u marks and save hard question later. remember, do practice to answer past year question or question that have similar structure(such as USMLE question). when u see a similiar scenario, your knowledge pouring out to your hands like a spinal cord reflex. brain reflex well need more time to react. i tell u when u practice answering question, your reflex become more shorter and u save time to answer questions. this will give an advantage in the exams
(to be continued)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ghuraba lyrics

Ghuraba'a (Strangers) - Lyrics in English

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever
We never care about the chains, rather we'll continue forever

So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world

So let us make jihad, and battle, and fight from the start
Ghurabaa`, this is how they are free in the enslaved world

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

How many times we remembered a time when we were happy
In the book of Allah, we recite in the morning and the evening

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

Ghurabaa` do not bow the foreheads to anyone besides Allah
Ghurabaa` have chosen this to be the motto of life

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

If you ask about us, then we do not care about the tyrants
We are the regular soldiers of Allah, our path is a reserved path

Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`
Ghurabaa`, ghurabaa`, ghurabaaa` ghurabaa`

The Prophet said "Islam began as something strange, and it will return as something strange the way it began. So Tooba for the Strangers


What make me happy?

"go to surau"


"present case and get good remark"

"can insert branula without spilling a blood"


"read motivation book"

"watch movies"

"see friends"

"play with cats"

"see long lost friends"

"see beautiful women"

"can answer lecturer's question"

"watch other people happy?"

"see and play with babies" (i miss paeds)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My obs case write up

Madam K 42 years old Malay lady G9P3+5 currently at 38 week POA. Known case GDM on insulin therapy admitted for induction of labour.

Currently she had no contraction pain, show, or leaking liquor. Good fetal movement. No symptom of hyperglyceamia. no symptom hypoglyceamia. No UTI

Last normal menstrual period 7th march 2009 and expected delivery date was 14th disember 2009
This is a wanted and planned pregnancy. She knew she was pregnant when she missed her menses at 6 week period of amenorrhea. urine pregnancy test was done at private clinic and it was positive. Booking was done at PPUKM at 8 weeks period of amenorrhea. Dating scan was done at 8 weeks POA and clinical parameter correspond to date.

Antenatal screening was done at 13 weeks POA.
Height: 155cm,
weight: 74kg, currently 86kg, increment of 12kg.
BMI: 30.8
BP: normotensive.
Booking hb: 11.1,
Urine albumin/sugar: nil
Blood group: O+
In view of obesity and advanced maternal age MGTT was done at 21 week POA. 5.8/9.9.
She was admitted at 23 weeks POA for 4 days for insulin commencement.
BSP was done 6.7/6.6/5.1/9.7
Insulin therapy was started
Currently she was on actrapid 6u/6u/6u and insulatard 8 on
Home self monitoring of sugar ranges 4.3-7.2

At 13 weeks POA ultrasound scan of the fetus revealed increased in nuchal translucency.
Serial scan was done and a total of 11 scan was done during the pregnancy. No abnormality was detected. Detail scan was done at 17 weeks POA and it was normal.
Latest scan was done at 36 week 5 days. Presence of fetal heart and fetal movement, all growth parameter correspond to date. Placenta at anterior upper segment. AFI:16.8. EFW: 3192g

Patient delivered 3 children at full term via spontaneous vertex delivery between 1987 to 1998. The birth weight ranges from 2kg to 3kg. however her first child developed cerebral palsy at 4 months old due to meningitis and currently alive. Her 2 other children were alive and well. Her last child was from her second marriage.

She had 3 termination of pregnancy between 1988 to 2008 because of family burden? All of them done at 8 weeks of POA and elective dilatation and curettage was done. No complication was noted.

In june of 2009, she presented with acute abdominal pain and per vaginal bleeding at 5 week period of amenorrhea. She was diagnosed ectopic pregnancy and right salphingectomy was done at PPUKM.

In December 2009, she presented with per vaginal bleeding and passing of complete product of conception at 12 weeks POA. No D+C was done and no complication noted.

She attained menarche at 13 years old. She had menstrual flow for 7 days duration with menstrual cycle of 28 days. She uses 3 pads fully soaked per day during menses. She had dysmenorrheal but not taking medication. No menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleed, or post coital bleeding. She had Pap smear done last june 2009 and the result was normal. She never uses contraception

No significant past medical history. She allergic to penglobe and metformin.

Her parents died due to old age. She is the youngest from 7 siblings. No family history of diabetes and hypertension.

Her 1st marriage from 1986 to 1991. Her 2nd marriage from 1995 till now. Currently work at human resource department in Besraya Tol company. She does not consume alcohol and she does not smoke. Her family size is 4 children. Spacing for the next pregnancy is 2 years.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Exams 1

For me exams is like a battle and big exam is like a war. to win a war we must win many battles. to win a battle we must be well prepare. preparation start from the first day that we know that we going for exam. we know the date. we know the what subject we face (or may i say enemies). components of preparation include knowledge, hints, practical knowledge and skills. if the exam need something like communication skill, good body language, so prepare for that also. then plan for strategies. plan our study schedule, alocate time when to study, when to play, when to spend time with friends and family. (to be continue)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

O&G posting

there only left 2 week in O&G posting. but i still didnt practice much yet. my knowledge still lacking. being in orange team made me stress. i dont know why. maybe lack of teaching and ward rounds. oh i hope can learn more.

my gynae case write up: ectopic pregnancy
my obs case write up: GDM

when is my long case: i dont have long case. haha i should be happy but i am stress because i could not assess myself